If you are frequently traveling for business, you should consider asking your company to book you into executive apartments instead of regular hotels. Let not the name scare you into believing that your company will pay significantly more money. Instead, you will enjoy better comfort and amenities.
Here are some advantages of staying in executive apartments:
- Fully Set Up for You to Live and Work There
When you get to a regular hotel, you spend nearly half a day setting up all your equipment (laptop, smartphone), getting the Wi-Fi password, fitting the socket adaptor so you can charge your devices, etc. An executive apartment is fully set up with everything you need. In a few minutes, you are ready to email your team that you’ve arrived just fine and are ready to start your assignment.
- Enjoy More Living Space
The Executive apartments San Antonio area are designed to look like real homes. You will feel at ease, and will quickly adapt to your new surroundings. This means that you can start your work or business meetings as soon as you’re settled in the apartment at your full professional potential.
- Pay Less for Basic Utilities
Hotels charge significant fees for long distance calls or for using their facilities for business video calls. In an executive apartment, you will be charged the regular rates for calls. Also, the professional look of the living room makes it an excellent choice for conducting a video conference.
The post Advantages of Staying In Executive Apartments appeared first on Dwelling Suites Corporate Housing.
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